PR Ethics Mini-Case PREP 1

    What a mess, John Galliano put himself in!? This reminds me of the Kayne West incident on the Alex Jones Podcast. In which, Kayne was pulled from Yeezy and other companies that sponsored him. I believe that it was the right thing to do. I feel that pulling Galliano from Dior was the right thing to do. This helps the organization rebuild reputation the brand that could've been destroyed. This is in some cases called, crisis communication. Crisis communication is where an organization acknowledges a wrongdoing within its organization and communicate with the public in order to prevent this from happening again. 

    What Galliano did was an awful act. He made Dior look like an anti-sematic organization. If I had the money to be a consumer of Dior I would be embarrassed, maybe even a bit scared to wear any of their products. It didn't surprise me that Dior doesn't want any affiliation with Galliano. As the old saying go, "Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they only can be forgiven, but not forgotten."


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