If I was Sleepy's, I would not have distributed the data that was given. It seems to mw that the data was not reliable to the consumers of it. I would have noticed that data was not honest to give to my consumers. If someone had noticed this sooner than later, Sleepy's could have got in trouble for being dishonest. In which we know that dishonesty can jeopardize a corporations reputation very quickly.

    If New York Times was smarter, they would've not ran an article based on the research. As soon as the information is out to the public, the consumers can do their own research. Knowingly, that the research is a little flawed can ruin the NY Times reputation. I wouldn't want to give misinformation to my consumers knowing that they depend on reliable information, expectedly a corporation that is known to have reliable information. When people start to not believe the information, not just the consumers of  NY Times, but Sleepy's consumers will no longer go to them for reliable information. Ultimately,  NY Times will lose money because of a quick decision to post misinformation. 


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